This last week was crazy hectic. I welcomed Lilo Bowman, Editor in Chief, and Production Manager of The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims to my studio to tape several lessons that will be posted this fall and next spring on their website. The days before we taped were filled with getting samples ready, and the days after were all about sorting out the mess and getting the studio back in order. In between, it was fun, work, fun, work. I have to say that I was very nervous at the beginning, but, with Lilo’s help, I soon relaxed and began to really enjoy the process.
The lessons we taped will be posted in the TQS “Classrooms” section of the website. Look for my Portrait Quilt lessons to begin sometime in the fall (I’ll keep you posted). Then, look for my contemporary Batik lessons in the spring.
Now, I’ve got to pack a bag and head to England for the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham.