Let the Stitching Begin

My apologies for being away from the blog for several weeks.  I’ve been desperate to get back on schedule with the horsemen so that I can finish them within the month, and any time spent writing is time I’m not stitching.  So, stitching I’ve been doing.  I did have the presence of mind to snap a few photos as I went along and I’ll share some of those below.

Before I get to the Horsemen, I want to share 2 bits of info:

1. I recently taped an episode of TheQuiltShow.com.  It is being aired today for those that subscribe, but next week I’ll send out a link for friends and family to view the episode for free.  I’ll post a link here on the blog, and on my Facebook page.

2.  My friends at QuiltForChange.org haver come up with a new challenge: Water is Life: Clean Water and its Impact on the Lives of Women and Girls around the World.  The exhibit will open at the UN headquarter in Geneva in January 2016. Entries due by November 1, 2015 If you want to quilt for a cause, you should check this out.  Here’s a link to their website: Quilt for Change Challenge

Now, to the horsemen…2 on the frame

With 2 panels to be stitched, I want to be sure that there is some continuity between them, especially in the background.  It should appear to flow from one panel to the next. I’m afraid that if I work one, then the other, I may not match up the right  threads or the lines of the composition won’t flow, so I’ve decided to put load both panels on the longarm frame together.  This turns out to be a little trickier than I thought it would be.  There is a lot of extra attention to be given to how tightly things are wound (the quilt layers, not me personally)  All was going well until I got Too Much Tailto the bottom of the second panel.  It would seem that I too much tail.  One of my horses hangs off the end of the frame.

I’m moving forward and I’ll figure how to deal with this later.





Just as I’m about to get started, I decide that the sky is to plain, it needs a little pizzazz, but what??In the Sky

I decide to create an overlay of a blanket motif over the top.  It can’t be too strong.  I want it to be a secondary design that support, not overwhelms the overall composition.  To do this, I draw out a design on paper and the cut the pieces out of tulle; light, medium and dark blue tulle.  I put fusible on one side and lightly iron the pieces in place before placing a very thin layer of champagne colored tulle over the entire piece.

