What to do with Leftovers

Boxes of leftovers

Boxes of leftovers

Part of preparing for a new piece, is cleaning out the studio to make space for the work. A significant by-product of my process is lots of scrap fabrics with fusible on the back.  These scraps come in unusual shapes and sizes.  I have trouble throwing them away, so I sort them by color and store them in small bins.  After completing Panning for Gold and Bike Boys, my neutral bins were over flowing.  It was time to act.

I sat down with my bins, some fat quarters and leftover pieces of muslin next to the ironing board and began to play.  The rules of this game were to use only the scraps in the bins, to act impulsively, and let ideas develop spontaneously.  There were no patterns, no preliminary drawing, and no end in mind.

It was quite cathartic, and once I got started, I couldn’t stop.  I created a new series that I now call “Remnants”.  Take a look.


Remnants I

Remnants I

Remnants II

Remnants III

Remnants III

Remnants IV

Remnants IV

Remnants VI

Remnants VI

Remnants V

Remnants V
